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ben dexter cooley

New release - Falling

A new single announcement. | music | tree

North End album art

i’m dropping a new single today in true form: impulsively and with much wringing of hands.

truth is i have been sitting on this song for a very long time. it was one of the easiest songs to write and hardest to finish.

i have been with the same person for all my adult life. this is not a song about that. not exactly.

there is a strange state of being that comes with this kind of familiarity—the unspoken language, the gentle touches on shoulders, the unrequested cups of coffee waiting on the counter.

it is strange and it is lovely and it is filled with a dream-like quality of being in it and yet outside of it all at once. it is all-encompassing and also barely there; an only just perceptible breeze.

the song, Falling, is messy and fluid. it contains embeddded imperfections, ones that with enough post-processing could likely be corrected. but in this case, the blemishes felt natural. like small bruises on an apple that is no less delicious for its patches. only more human. more like life.

i hope you enjoy it.

listen on Spotify or Bandcamp now!